Press Releases

DelBene Hosts Reproductive Freedom Roundtable Around 51st Roe Anniversary

Today, in observance of the 51st anniversary of Roe v Wade, Congresswoman Suzan DelBene (WA-01) hosted a roundtable discussion with patients, health care providers, and advocates on the ongoing attacks against reproductive freedom and care across the country. Currently, 27 million women of reproductive age in America live in states with abortion bans.

DelBene also highlighted her recent efforts in Congress to prevent federal funds from being directed to “crisis pregnancy centers” (CPCs) that covertly and deceptively discourage pregnant women from seeking abortion services. These facilities do not always employ licensed physicians and often use misleading information that puts vulnerable patients’ health and safety at risk.

“As anti-abortion activists continue their ongoing, multi-front campaign against Americans’ reproductive health care, it is more important than ever that we stand up for women's rights,” said DelBene. “I will continue to fight against Republicans’ effort to impose a national abortion ban, restrict access to safe, effective abortion medication, and mislead women through so-called crisis pregnancy centers."

“The purpose of TANF is to support families living on the lowest incomes in our state. Too often, the funds do not end up in the hands of those families,” said Marcy Bowers, Executive Director for the Statewide Poverty Action Fund. “In the worst cases, TANF funds are spent in ways that are harmful, such as Crisis Pregnancy Centers. TANF should be a pathway out of poverty for those who need it most, and not a way to give misinformation to families.”

“As a physician, I have cared for patients who were misled by anti-abortion centers sometimes called crisis pregnancy centers. These anti-abortion centers caused delays in my patients’ very time sensitive abortion care and led them to being shamed rather than receiving unbiased counseling about their decision,” said Dr. Rachel Chisausky from Physicians for Reproductive Health. “I applaud Rep. DelBene’s work to limit federal funding to these facilities, which deceive and manipulate patients without providing them the care they need.”

“No pregnant person should be subjected to deception by people masquerading as maternal health care providers. Instead of giving taxpayer money away to biased fake clinics, Congress should be pursuing policies that have a proven track record of improving health outcomes for children and families, reducing maternal mortality, and narrowing inequities,” said Courtney Normand, Washington State Director of Planned Parenthood Alliance Advocates. “All people deserve access to legitimate health care providers who will tell the truth and offer them the full range of pregnancy options, including abortion care, without judgment.”

DelBene is a leader on the House Pro-Choice Caucus and an original cosponsor of the Women’s Health Protection Act, which would enshrine abortion access into law, prohibiting unnecessarily burdensome restrictions on access to reproductive care.

Organizations in attendance at today’s event include Planned Parenthood, Pro Choice Washington, Statewide Poverty Action Network, the Urban League of Metropolitan Seattle, and Physicians for Reproductive Health.