
Technology Photo

Before coming to Congress, I had a long career in the technology sector. I currently lead several tech-based caucuses in the House, including the Congressional Caucus on Virtual, Augmented, and Mixed Reality Technologies, the Women’s High-Tech Coalition, and the Internet of Things Caucus. My goal is to educate fellow members of Congress on emerging technological concepts and their impact on our lives and businesses, ensuring our work is forward-thinking and grounded in the realities of the 21st Century. 


Outdated federal laws fail to protect Americans’ civil, constitutional, and human rights in a digital world and leave significant uncertainty for U.S. companies doing business domestically and overseas. 

That’s why I authored a comprehensive federal consumer data protection bill that will put people back in control of their data, require companies to issue their privacy policies in clear language, and establish strong enforcement mechanisms to protect all Americans. 

I’m also championing the Email Privacy Act, legislation that would require the government to obtain a warrant before accessing personal emails and other digital records and allow providers to notify customers when the government requests their data. 

Broadband Internet 

In the 21st century, access to the Internet is essential for everyday life, work, and education. I will continue fighting until everyone has access to affordable, reliable broadband, even in our most rural areas. The bipartisan infrastructure law that I helped pass provides $65 billion to expand broadband into unserved and underserved communities.  

The law also includes a $30 per month discount for eligible families, lowering their internet bills. These savings can also be paired with the agreement the Biden administration reached to reduce high-speed internet plans to $30 per month. That means some families can receive free internet access.  

Smart Devices 

I’m also focused on the growing use of smart devices, like security cameras, thermostats, and smart traffic lights. With these devices becoming more popular, we must ensure that broadband spectrum is being utilized efficiently so that these new technologies are safe and reliable. I introduced the IoT Readiness Act to ensure that enough spectrum is available to support our internet-connected devices.