
Improving the Affordable Care Act

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Tags: Health

Dear Friend, Last week, I, along with many of you, fought against the Republicans’ healthcare bill, which failed to live up to the President’s promise of “insurance for everybody.” I’m relieved it failed to even come up for a vote, as 24 million Americans were at risk of losing health coverage under the misguided legislation — while millions more…

Third anniversary of the Oso landslide

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Dear Friend, Today is the third anniversary of the tragic Oso landslide, which in an instant took the lives of 43 of our neighbors. In the wake of our tragedy, we learned many lessons, including that lawmakers need to do more to ensure we fund resources and research efforts to prevent future natural disasters from becoming national tragedies. We need to do substantial work to gain…

Upcoming Town Halls

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Dear Friend, As your representative in Congress, one of the most important aspects of my job is to stay informed of the thoughts and opinions of my constituents, and I appreciate the time you take to share them with me. That’s why I’ll be holding a series of town halls during the coming weeks and months throughout the First District. If you can’t join me for the…

Happy Valentine's Day!

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Tags: Veterans

Dear Friend, This past weekend, I visited a local VA hospital to drop off Valentine’s Day cards, as part of the Valentines for Veterans program. Students from Machias Elementary, Maywood Hills Elementary, Moorlands Elementary and East Ridge Elementary made hundreds of these cards by hand to thank those who served our country in uniform. Earlier this month, members of…

My Committees for the 115th Congress

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Dear Friend, As we begin the 115th Congress, it is an honor to announce that I will join the House Ways and Means Committee and House Budget Committee. I look forward to being at the forefront of debate on tax reform, healthcare and retirement security in this Congress. We need an economy that works for everyone. Unfortunately, our current tax system is out of date with the way the…

Improving Our Healthcare System

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Tags: Health

Dear Friend, In the last six years, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) has dramatically improved health coverage and expanded access to care for millions of hard-working Americans. Rather than repeal it, we should do more to ensure the law works for everyone, including small businesses that want to offer health insurance to their employees but are struggling to afford it. That’s why…

Supporting our National Guard members

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Dear Friend,  President Obama just signed into law the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for 2017, which contained my bill to ensure National Guard members retain health coverage when responding to state emergencies, such as landslides or earthquakes. After the tragic Oso landslide in 2014, my office was contacted by members of our state’s National Guard…

Investing in Medical Research

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Tags: Health

Dear Friend, This week, Congress passed the bipartisan 21st Century Cures Act. This important legislation will help spur medical innovation and offer hope to millions of Americans suffering from heartbreaking conditions. I am pleased many of the critical investments I have championed were included in the compromise — such as increased funding for the National Institutes of…

The 115th Congress

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I want to start by saying it’s an honor to continue to represent Washington’s First Congressional District. While I still believe there is more that unites us than divides us, the past few weeks have exposed deep divisions across our country. We have a lot of hard work ahead of us to come together as a nation. I’ve heard from many of you who have concerns about the…

Serving Our Veterans

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Tags: Veterans

Dear Friend, Throughout the country, there are too many veterans who continue to face challenges after they return home. That’s why I recently formed a Veterans Advisory Board to hear from local veterans about ways the federal government can better serve them. The Advisory Board, made up of nine local veteran leaders, will meet quarterly to help us better serve the more than 40,000…