Press Releases

DelBene: Encryption Protects Americans’ Privacy

BOTHELL – Congresswoman Suzan DelBene (WA-01) today released the following statement on the government requiring a company to break their encryption:

“My first priority is always keeping Americans safe. That’s why I believe it is important for people to understand that this court order is not about a single iPhone, case or company. It is about setting a precedent that says it is okay to force companies to create new master keys to break into devices Americans rely on every day to handle sensitive information. This kind of precedent puts devices, financial institutions, and even our government at a greater risk because requiring companies to weaken devices with ‘backdoors’ is a reckless approach to our national security. I believe this is an irresponsible solution to a complex problem that requires in-depth study and consideration by security experts, policymakers and privacy interests.” 

Earlier today, Apple refused to comply with a court order requiring the company create a backdoor for encrypted communications.

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