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Effort starts to save Green Mountain lookout

Effort starts to save Green Mountain lookout

DARRINGTON -- Sen. Maria Cantwell says it's high time to get to work on a bill that would save the Green Mountain forest fire lookout from being pulled off the peak.

Cantwell, D-Wash., got a commitment from a Senate committee chairman Thursday that he will move ahead on the proposed bill to preserve the lookout, located in the Glacier Peak Wilderness of the Mount Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest.

Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., chairman of the Energy and Natural Resources Committee recognized the Washington congressional delegation's work on the lookout bill and pledged to move the bill "expeditiously," Cantwell said.

Cantwell and fellow Sen. Patty Murray introduced the Green Mountain bill in February while Reps. Rick Larsen and Suzan DelBene, both Democrats who represent portions of Snohomish County, introduced companion legislation in the House.

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