Press Releases

DelBene Donates Computers to Local Boys & Girls Club as Trump Attempts to Gut Their Budget

MOUNT VERNON – Congresswoman Suzan DelBene (WA-01) today visited the Boys & Girls Club of Skagit County to donate computers and highlight the devastating effects of President Trump’s proposed budget cuts on our community — including this important afterschool program.

“It’s shameful the President is proposing the elimination of funding for vital afterschool programs like the Boys & Girls Club. These investments provide an essential safety-net for middle-class families, improve academic achievement and strengthen our local communities,” DelBene said. “In my role on the Budget Committee, I vow to do everything possible to stop these dangerous cuts that do nothing but jeopardize resources for the students who need them most. In the meantime, I’m pleased my office could make a donation to help more students learn the computer science skills they’ll need for the jobs of tomorrow.”

Last month, President Trump released his budget outline, which wipes out $54 billion for federal programs that our families and communities rely on, like afterschool programs, nutrition assistance, affordable housing and medical research. The Boys & Girls Club would be among those affected.

While the President’s budget is non-binding, House and Senate leaders could use it to draft a budget for the coming fiscal year. Congress will likely vote on a proposal next month. DelBene serves on the House Budget Committee, which has jurisdiction over these issues.

DelBene donated the used computers from her District Office to the Boys & Girls Club of Skagit County for their 21st Century Learning Center Clubs, which offer learning opportunities in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM), among other subjects.

“The opportunity to share with Representative DelBene about the important work being done by staff and volunteers in our 21st Century Learning Center Clubs was tremendous,” said Ron McHenry, CEO for the Clubs. “America can only be great with a solid workforce, and these programs serve as a catalyst of inspiration for youth, and provide them with the additional support tools to complete their education and be best prepared to contribute to the economy and their community.”

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