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Editorial: Email Privacy Act is a necessary fix for outdated laws

Editorial: Email Privacy Act is a necessary fix for outdated laws

Almost everyone retains old e-mails, some with important and sensitive information. And yet we'd bet few people realize that if e-mails date back more than six months and are stored on a third-party server, the government doesn't need a warrant to look at them.

"At this moment, law enforcement can access American citizens' emails without a warrant, even though the exact same messages in paper form would require a warrant," wrote Reps. Jared Polis, D-Colo., and Suzan DelBene, D-Wash., this month in The Hill. "Law-abiding Americans have a right to be frustrated and upset. While email has developed into one of the most common forms of communication, the laws that prevent government intrusion remain outdated for the 21st century."

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