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What Is the Future of the U.S. Digital Service?

What Is the Future of the U.S. Digital Service?

It’s arguable that few agencies better exemplified the Obama administration’s approach to technology, innovation and their combination in government than the U.S. Digital Service.

Formed as a continuation of the private sector tech experts who helped salvage, the USDS has since grown and expanded to become the go-to team for managing difficult digital projects across agencies, and now includes branches within the Defense Department. But will it survive in the Trump administration?

It’s unclear at this point, because the administration has yet to formally release its budget. In January, citing an unnamed source with knowledge of the Trump transition team’s planning, Federal News Radio reported that “USDS in its present form will not persist under the new administration.” On the other hand, as Quartz reported, Gerrit Lansing, the White House’s chief digital officer, announced on Twitter that the unit’s role in the Trump’s administration was secure: “FYI: @USDS is here to stay in the new administration. Period.”

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