Press Releases

DelBene Welcomes WSU to House Agriculture Subcommittee Hearing

Congresswoman Suzan DelBene (WA-01) today welcomed Washington State University’s Jim Moyer to testify at a hearing of the House Agriculture Subcommittee on Biotechnology, Horticulture and Research highlighting innovative research being done at land grant universities.

“I am happy that Dr. Jim Moyer from Washington State University was here today to share his perspective and explain some of the great research being done at WSU. Research provides the foundation for innovation, particularly in agriculture. It is critically important that we continue to fund these projects that provide an incredible return on investment. Not doing so harms our economic competitiveness. We are fortunate to have fantastic universities across the country, and this hearing allowed us to learn about the work and challenges at these research, extension and education communities.”

Click here to watch the subcommittee hearing.
