Press Releases

DelBene: Stop Wasting Taxpayer Money on an Ideological Witch Hunt

Congresswoman Suzan DelBene (WA-01) today blasted House Republicans for wasting even more taxpayer dollars on the harassment and intimidation of women’s healthcare providers and medical researchers.

“Instead of conducting a fair and fact-based investigation, the Select Panel has wasted hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars to harass, intimidate and threaten people who enable life-saving medical research to take place — simply because the Majority opposes a woman’s constitutional right to choose,” DelBene said. “If House leadership was focused on facts and fiscal responsibility, we would stop squandering funds on this Select Panel immediately. Why are Republicans determined to throw good money after bad?”

The House Administration Committee today approved a resolution dedicating an additional $800,000 to the Panel, which brings the cost of the investigation to nearly $1.6 million.

DelBene is an appointed member of Republicans’ Select Panel to Attack Women’s Health, which was established to investigate Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers after doctored videos were released from a group of anti-choice extremists. In her role on the Select Panel, DelBene is fighting to protect women’s access to healthcare and safeguard the privacy and safety of doctors, patients, researchers and medical students across the country.
