Press Releases

DelBene Floor Statement on Farm Bill Vote

Congresswoman Suzan DelBene gave the following remarks on the floor of the House Representatives today regarding her vote on the latest version of the Farm Bill, which fails to authorize nutrition programs.  It would harm millions of working families, seniors and children. The full text, as prepared for delivery, is below:

“Mr. Speaker, I rise with great disappointment today. It’s a shame that the House has allowed the Farm Bill to get to this point.

“We should be voting on the bipartisan bill the Agriculture Committee passed and I supported. Not this bill, which has been hijacked by divisive politics and is simply not good enough.

“It’s not good enough for our farmers, because reforms that would have protected Washington’s dairy farmers and consumers have been stripped out.

“It’s certainly not good enough for the millions of working families, seniors and children who count on nutrition programs and have been excluded from this bill.

“And it’s not good enough for the country.

“Our constituents sent us here to work across the aisle to deliver results. This bill is certainly not what they had in mind. While I appreciate that funding for specialty crops, which I fought hard for, is in this bill, this is the wrong way to conduct agriculture policy for the future.

“Our country’s farmers and families deserve a Farm Bill that works for everyone. Instead, they’ve been given this. I am incredibly disappointed today, and join my colleagues in voting against this bill.”

Full video of DelBene’s speech can be viewed HERE.

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