Press Releases

DelBene Statement on Committee Passage of Surveillance Reforms

The House Judiciary Committee approved the USA FREEDOM Act

In a bipartisan vote today, the House Judiciary Committee passed the USA FREEDOM Act, which would rein in the National Security Agency’s (NSA) domestic surveillance program and protect Americans’ privacy by creating greater transparency, oversight and accountability.

Congresswoman Suzan DelBene (WA-01) is an original cosponsor of the USA FREEDOM Act. After committee passage, DelBene issued the following statement:

“Today’s action by the House Judiciary Committee brings us one step closer to reining in the NSA and ending the government’s bulk data collection of innocent Americans’ communications. The secret government surveillance programs are nothing short of a violation of individual privacy and civil liberties.

“I commend Chairman Goodlatte, Ranking Member Conyers and Congressman Sensenbrenner for their efforts in moving this important piece of legislation forward.

“Getting this done will go a long way in protecting the privacy of Americans and get us closer to striking the right balance between civil liberties and national security that has disappointingly been out of balance for the past decade.

“While this bill isn’t perfect, it is far better than existing law and it unequivocally ends bulk collection. A clean reauthorization of the PATIOT Act is simply unacceptable. I am eager to continue working with my colleagues to bring the USA FREEDOM Act to the House floor for a vote, and I am confident that this bipartisan bill has the broad support necessary to pass.”

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