Press Releases

DelBene Statement on House Floor Vote of Watered-down Version of USA Freedom Act

Today Congresswoman Suzan DelBene issued the following statement after voting against a modified version of the USA Freedom Act:

“The NSA surveillance bill that the House leadership put before a vote today is a weakened, watered-down version of the USA Freedom Act that I originally cosponsored.

“The truth is today’s bill falls short of clearly guaranteeing that massive data collection by the NSA will be put to a full stop.

“The question isn’t whether the bill is intended to end bulk collection but whether it actually achieves this. Today’s bill unfortunately creates a new loophole for the NSA and the government to still engage in bulk-like collection of massive amounts of data from innocent Americans.

“This isn’t good enough.

“The NSA has repeatedly violated the trust, not to mention the privacy, of the American people. This bill leaves the door open for this to continue.

“The fight isn’t over. As this bill moves onto the Senate, I am committed to working with my colleagues to get us a bill that protects our privacy, definitively ends all forms of bulk collection and significantly reins in the NSA.”

To read the full statement DelBene submitted for the Congressional Record, click HERE.