Press Releases

DelBene Named to Conference Committee to Negotiate a Farm Bill

Today, Congresswoman Suzan DelBene was named as a member of the conference committee to negotiate a reauthorized Farm Bill. The House of Representatives yesterday passed a resolution to enter formal talks with the Senate, and today named their conferees. DelBene issued the following statement:

“I’m honored to have been appointed to the conference committee to negotiate a reauthorization of the Farm Bill. As the only Member of Congress from Washington on the conference committee, I take this responsibility very seriously.

“Since the 2008 Farm Bill expired, congressional inaction has negatively impacted our farmers and food producers, creating uncertainty and resulting in the failure to fund key farm and research programs, including many for specialty and organic crops. The decision to move forward with formal talks with the Senate and the naming of House conferees represents a significant step forward.

“As a member of the House Agriculture Committee, I’ve worked to ensure that Washington state’s farmers and food producers have a strong voice in Congress. Additionally, I’ve fought for a Farm Bill that is humane and protects our safety net which millions of working families and children depend on.

“The original work done in the Agriculture Committee to draft the Farm Bill was bipartisan and cooperative. I’m pleased that many of the appointed House conferees are the very same members of Congress who were committed to moving past partisan politics and finding real solutions for our farmers, agriculture industry and our most vulnerable. I am hopeful that we can continue this positive working relationship in the conference committee and deliver a strong Farm Bill that’s good for our nation’s farmers, families and food supply.

“I came to Congress to find solutions and deliver results. As formal negotiations get underway, I will continue to work tirelessly for investments that benefit our local producers of specialty crops. In addition, our dairy farmers deserve major reforms to help stabilize the dairy market and protect consumers. Finally, I will fight for the millions of working families, seniors and children who count on nutrition programs and help expand innovative job-training programs to help low-income individuals get the education and skills they need to become self-sufficient.”

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