Press Releases

DelBene Statement on Bipartisan Budget Vote

Today, the House of Representatives voted to pass a bipartisan two-year budget agreement that helps avoid another unnecessary government shutdown in January, provides sequester relief to domestic and defense spending and reduces the deficit. Rep. DelBene has long called for Congress to enact a common-sense, long-term budget that provides families and businesses certainty, and following her vote in support of this budget agreement, DelBene issued the following statement:

“I came to Congress to get results and work towards compromises that will allow us to make progress on the biggest challenges facing our nation.  The bipartisan two-year budget agreement approved by the House today, while not perfect, is a positive first step in that direction. It lifts the damaging spending caps caused by sequestration, allowing us to make investments in projects like basic research and education that will help us create jobs and grow our economy. Senator Patty Murray deserves an immense amount of credit for her successful efforts to broker this agreement. I hope it will serve as the foundation for future and continued bipartisan work.

“At the same time, I’m also deeply disappointed that we have not been allowed to vote on a measure to extend unemployment benefits that are set to expire on December 28th. House Leadership’s unwillingness to take up this issue will hurt millions of unemployed jobseekers and their families – 25,000 of which are from Washington state.

 “As the budget agreement is now considered by the Senate, it’s important to note that Congress’ work is by no means done, and I’m disappointed that we are being sent home with so much unfinished business. We still must pass a Farm Bill that many of Washington state’s farmers and families are counting on. When Congress returns next year, I will work to urge my colleagues on the Farm Bill Conference Committee to act as quickly as possible to approve a Farm Bill. 

“I am committed to continue working to make sure that this budget agreement is the first, not the last, of more bipartisan efforts to deliver results for Washington’s working families and grow our economy.”

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