

Dear Friend, Our economy thrives when families are both healthy and financially stable, but long-term economic growth can only be achieved when all Americans have the opportunity to succeed.
A quick update

Dear Friend,

Our economy thrives when families are both healthy and financially stable, but long-term economic growth can only be achieved when all Americans have the opportunity to succeed.

Unfortunately, seven years after the President signed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, women still earn just 79 cents for every dollar that men make according to the Census Bureau. That’s why I helped introduce the Paycheck Fairness Act to close the wage gap once and for all. It’s a good bill for families and businesses, because when women aren’t paid what they deserve, our economy and communities are negatively affected.

When women don’t receive equal pay for equal work, families struggle to put food on the table, save for retirement and pay for their kids’ education.

The ongoing pay disparity in the United States is disappointing and unacceptable. It’s time for Congress to look past partisan divides and focus on common-sense solutions to help women and families thrive. In the coming months, I’ll continue pushing for policies that strengthen our middle class and build an economy that works for everyone.

As always, my office is here to serve you. If you have questions or comments about the topics that matter most to you, I encourage you to contact me through my website. You may also stay up-to-date on what I’m doing by signing up for my e-newsletter, or following me on social media. If you need assistance dealing with a federal agency, such as the IRS or the VA, please do not hesitate to contact my Bothell office at (425) 485-0085.

