
Visiting the Boys & Girls Club of Skagit County

Dear Friend,

ecently, I visited the Boys & Girls Club of Skagit County to highlight the devastating effects that President Trump’s proposed budget cuts would have on our community — including this important afterschool program.

I also donated computers from my District Office for their 21st Century Community Learning Center, which offers learning opportunities in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM), among other subjects.


The President’s budget would wipe out $54 billion for federal programs that our families and communities rely on, like afterschool programs, nutrition assistance, affordable housing and medical research. The Boys & Girls Club would be among those affected.

While I’m glad my office’s donation will help more students learn the computer science skills they need, we should not be cutting funding for vital afterschool programs. These investments provide an essential safety-net for middle-class families, improve academic achievement and strengthen our local communities.

In my role on the Budget Committee, I will do everything possible to stop these dangerous cuts as we begin debate over the fiscal year 2018 budget.

As always, my office is here to serve you. If you have questions or comments about the topics that matter most to you, I encourage you to contact me through my website. You may also keep up-to-date on what I’m doing by following me on social media. If you need assistance dealing with a federal agency, such as the VA, IRS or Social Security Administration, please do not hesitate to contact my Bothell office at (425) 485-0085.

