
Helping My Constituents

Dear Friend,

Assisting my constituents is one of the best parts of my job as the U.S. Representative for Washington’s First Congressional District.

Take John, for instance. John, an Air Force veteran from Duvall, kept getting stonewalled for the past six years while trying to get the compensation he was owed from the Veterans Administration (VA). My office worked with him, and was able to secure the $239,000 in back pay and monthly increase in his benefits the VA owed him. John was even able to apply for additional grants to help modify his home and purchase a wheelchair-accessible vehicle.

There’s also the Collins family (at right). Erin and Austin Collins were adopting three siblings from the Philippines, when, near the end of the process, communication stalled. They reached out to my office, which was able to contact the U.S. Embassy in Manila to resolve the situation. Now, Denmar, John and Roquena are with their parents in Redmond!

And Dave from Mill Creek. The Social Security Administration (SSA) determined he was eligible to receive Social Security Disability Income, but he wasn’t receiving the money. My office contacted SSA to figure out what the issue was. Turns out, it was simply a misplaced number on his account, and we got it resolved so Dave is now getting the monthly benefit he was promised.

So whether you are returning home from military service, trying to adopt, opening a business or entering college, my office is here and ready to help you navigate federal agencies.

It's my job to listen to you and advocate on your behalf. If you have questions or comments about the topics that matter most to you, I encourage you to contact me through my website. I also invite you to stay connected with me by signing up for my e-newsletter. You may also stay up-to-date on my work through social media. My office is here to serve you, so please do not hesitate to contact us.

