Press Releases

DelBene Calls for Bipartisan Approach to Tax Reform

DelBene will serve on the House Ways and Means Committee, which will be at the forefront of debate on taxes, healthcare and retirement security in the new Congress.

BOTHELL – Congresswoman Suzan DelBene (WA-01) today reiterated the need for a bipartisan approach to comprehensive tax reform while Speaker Paul Ryan visited the Boeing Co. in Everett:

“We have a once in a generation opportunity to modernize our tax code, if Republicans include Democrats in the legislative process. There is no question that our tax laws are in desperate need of thoughtful reform. Done properly, tax reform could eliminate inequities in the code, and give working families and businesses some certainty so they can plan their futures. But comprehensive tax reform does not mean tilting the scale even more toward the wealthiest,” DelBene said. “It also doesn’t mean temporary, superficial changes that do nothing to grow the middle class. Comprehensive tax reform should be permanent, and put middle-class families first, with fairness for all Americans regardless of their income or zip code. This should apply whether you’re a small business owner creating jobs in our communities, a family saving for your child’s college tuition, a senior trying to pay for prescription drugs or an entrepreneur inventing the next medical breakthrough.

“Tax reform matters to every American, so I applaud Speaker Ryan for passing through the Pacific Northwest to talk taxes, but I strongly urge him to remember that the last comprehensive tax reform package was bipartisan. If he wants to accomplish something that has a real, lasting impact on families and businesses across the country, he should reach across the aisle and allow this to be a collaborative, open process that puts families, not politics, first.”

DelBene serves on the House Ways and Means Committee, which has jurisdiction over the tax code. Speaker Ryan visited the Boeing Co. in Everett today to talk about tax reform, joined by just one Republican member of Washington’s congressional delegation.

Before being elected to Congress, DelBene served as Director of the Washington State Department of Revenue. During her tenure, DelBene proposed reforms to cut red tape for small businesses. She also enacted an innovative tax amnesty program that generated $345 million to help close the state’s budget gap, while easing the burden on small businesses.

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