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Rep. DelBene visits Redmond Girls Who Code class

Rep. DelBene visits Redmond Girls Who Code class

Rep. Suzan DelBene (D – WA) spoke to the Girls Who Code summer immersion class at AT&T’s Redmond offices on Aug. 15, highlighting the vital role that technology plays in almost all aspects of our lives and the importance of diversity when it comes to solving the biggest problems ahead of us.

“We need more women who understand technology and are excited about what they can do with it to help change the world,” DelBene told the class, noting her own path working in technology – at Microsoft and at smaller start-ups – prior to running for office.

DelBene, who serves on the Ways and Means Committee and is co-chair of the Women’s Tech Caucus and Internet of Things Caucus, talked about the role that technology plays in industries ranging from fashion to agriculture and encouraged the students to figure out what it is that they’re passionate about and work to solve the problems facing that sector.

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