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Sen. Patty Murray bypasses Ivanka Trump with child care proposal for working families

Sen. Patty Murray bypasses Ivanka Trump with child care proposal for working families

Washington, D.C., September 14, 2017
Tags: Education

Even before her father took the oath of office, Ivanka Trump advocated to make child care more affordable.

She’s lobbied with Senate and House Republicans on how to advance, but without anything concrete, Democrats are moving forward by introducing the Child Care for Working Families Act.

“At a time when far too many working families are struggling, finding quality child care that doesn’t break the bank shouldn’t be another thing keeping parents up at night,” said Senator Murray, a former preschool teacher. “I’m proud to introduce the Child Care for Working Families Act to address our child care crisis and support access to high-quality preschool so that all children are ready for kindergarten and beyond.”


Along with Congresswoman Suzan DelBene (WA-01), Murray rolled out the full proposal on Thursday.

Click here to read the full story.