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Connelly: Washington fights Trump FCC rollback of net neutrality rules

Seattle, Washington , December 13, 2017

Washington state leaders are laying on protest letters to the Federal Communications Commission, vowing Wednesday that the state will act to defend net neutrality rules if they are repealed by the FCC on Thursday.

"It's a free speech issue as well as a business development issue," Gov. Jay Inslee told an Olympia news conference, flanked by Attorney General Bob Ferguson and legislators from both parties.


The FCC's Republican chairman, Ajit Pai, is intent on rolling back Obama-era neutrality rules.  The rules stop internet providers such as Comcast, Verizon and AT&T from playing favorites by blocking websites or slowing down internet service.  They stop companies from charging for "fast lane" internet service.

The dropping of rules has generated fierce opposition from one Washington to the other.

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