Press Releases

DelBene Announces Congressional App Challenge Winner

Congresswoman Suzan DelBene (WA01) is excited to announce the first congressional district’s entry to the 2019 Congressional App Challenge. The winning app, called Driver Vision, was created by Sohil Bhatia and Sayan Bhatia of Redmond High School. 

Driver Vision uses machine learning models and an Internet of Things (IoT) device to detect distracted vs. attentive driving behavior. It then provides the user with a report on their driving speed activity against the speed limits in the area and the number of times the driver was distracted. The Bhatias state that their app is about reinforcing the need for a driver’s vision to be safely on the road. An app demo of Driver Vision can be found HERE

The winning app from the first congressional district was selected by a panel of impartial judges. Driver Vision will now go on display in the U.S. Capitol for one year, along with other winning apps from around the nation. 

“As someone who worked in the tech sector before coming to Congress, I know firsthand that innovation requires creative, entrepreneurial leaders,” said DelBene. “I am immensely proud of the students of Washington’s first district for their ingenuity, and I thank all those who entered this year’s App Challenge for their willingness to share their hard work with all of us. Congratulations to the young developers behind Driver Vision – I cannot wait to see what you will create next!” 

DelBene was Co-Chair for both the 2018 and 2019 Congressional App Challenge.