My Vote on the War Powers Resolution
Washington, D.C.,
January 17, 2020
Dear friend, Last week, I joined House Democrats in passing the War Powers Resolution (H.Con.Res.83) to direct the President to stop use of the United States Armed Forces in hostilities in or against Iran without authorization from Congress. This vote was taken in response to the president’s military airstrikes against high-level Iranian officials without any Congressional consultation. Our vote was the result of the Trump Administration failing to consult with Congress regarding the airstrikes. The Administration’s briefing to Congress failed to justify its actions and this resolution will prevent the United States from getting drawn into another long-term conflict in the Middle East without a thorough debate in Congress. Since coming to Congress, I have consistently advocated for Congress to vote on a new AUMF instead of relying on AUMFs from 2001 and 2002 to justify new conflicts in the region. I will continue to fight on behalf of our national security and for our brave troops deployed in the region. As always, I am here to help you. If you need assistance, please do not hesitate to contact my Bothell office at (425) 485-0085. For more updates on what I’m doing for WA01, you can follow me on social media at the links above. Sincerely, Suzan |