Press Releases

Trump Administration Issues Artificial Intelligence Guidance Following DelBene, Olson Urging

Representatives Suzan DelBene (WA-01), Co-Chair of the Women’s High-Tech Coalition, and Pete Olson (TX-22), Co-Chair of the House Artificial Intelligence (AI) Caucus, today commended the White House for releasing guidance that outlines a government-wide approach to how federal agencies can implement AI systems to ensure they are safe and trustworthy. In August, DelBene and Olson led a bipartisan letter to the administration demanding the release of this critical information on AI.

The guidance is vital to ensuring the United States continues to stay at the leading edge of global competitiveness in emerging technology fields like AI. Countries like China and the European Union are currently developing dominant positions in the AI space and the United States needs to set our own standards to lead on the international stage.

“Artificial intelligence has broad implications across the federal government, allowing agencies to function better and respond faster. We need a consistent approach so our entire government is playing by the same rules and implementing systems in a responsible and trustworthy manner,” said DelBene. “The guidance issued by the administration, at our urging, will provide that framework and allow the United States to set a global standard.”

“Artificial intelligence continues to play an essential role in our world’s future,” Olson stated. “I applaud President Trump’s work to address the current uncertainty that surrounds AI governance. America’s global competitiveness depends on our ability to remain at the forefront of future technology advancements. The introduction of this guidance is a significant step forward in ensuring that the United States continues to be a global leader in artificial intelligence.”

“The ‘Guidance for Regulation of Artificial Intelligence Applications’ is critical to ensure U.S. global leadership in artificial intelligence and we commend Representatives Suzan DelBene and Pete Olson for their leadership to help move this guidance across the finish line,” said Tom Quaadman, Executive Vice President of the U.S. Chamber’s Technology Engagement Center.

DelBene and Olson’s letter can be viewed here. You can view the guidance here.