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Newsweek: Want Protection From AI? The First Step Is a National Privacy Law (Opinion)

Congresswoman Suzan DelBene

In the six months since a new chatbot confessed its love for a reporter before taking a darker turn, the world has woken up to how artificial intelligence can dramatically change our lives—and how it can go awry. AI is quickly being integrated into nearly every aspect of our economy and daily lives. Yet in our nation's capital, laws aren't keeping up with the rapid evolution of technology.

Policymakers have many decisions to make around artificial intelligence, like how it can be used in sensitive areas such as financial markets, health care, and national security. They will need to decide intellectual property rights around AI-created content. There will also need to be guardrails to prevent the dissemination of mis- and disinformation.

But before we build the second and third story of this regulatory house, we need to lay a strong foundation and that must center around a national data privacy standard.

Click here to read the full article in Newsweek.