Press Releases

DelBene Calls on Congress to Support Workers This Labor Day

BOTHELL – Congresswoman Suzan DelBene (WA-01) released the following statement to celebrate Labor Day:

“This Labor Day, I want to take a moment to mark the invaluable contributions that American workers have made to our nation’s prosperity, and the work we still have to do to expand access to opportunity for all,” DelBene said. “Right now, too many Americans work full-time but still struggle to put food on the table, pay the bills and save for their children’s college. Too many Americans work more than 40 hours a week but don’t receive overtime pay. And too many Americans are forced to choose between caring for their family and keeping their paychecks.”

“Congress can and should act. We need to update our nation’s workplace policies to ensure working families are both healthy and financially stable — because that’s when our economy thrives.”

DelBene is a cosponsor of legislation to raise the federal minimum wage (H.R. 2150), ensure equal pay for equal work (H.R. 1619) and guarantee all workers have access to paid sick leave (H.R. 932). She is also supporting the Department of Labor’s efforts to extend overtime pay to more than 4 million workers.
