Jobs and the Economy

DelBene, Beyer Introduce Legislation to Block President from Imposing Unchecked Tariffs

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Today, Representatives Suzan DelBene (WA-01) and Don Beyer (VA-08) led 11 House members in introducing the Prevent Tariff Abuse Act, legislation to stop the President of the United States from imposing import tariffs under the guise of a national emergency without Congressional approval. Tariffs are taxes paid by importers that are often passed along to consumers through higher prices.…

DelBene, Schrier Secure Win for WA Hydrogen Sector

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Today, Congresswomen Suzan DelBene (WA-01) and Kim Schrier, M.D. (WA-08) announced that they secured flexibility for Washington’s hydrogen projects that will help ensure the state remains a leader in clean energy production. In 2024, the Biden administration proposed overly prescriptive regulations around the Clean Hydrogen Production Tax Credit (45V Credit) that could have resulted in…

DelBene, Beyer Introduce Legislation to Block President from Imposing Unchecked Tariffs

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Today, Representatives Suzan DelBene (WA-01), Don Beyer (VA-08), and eight Ways & Means Committee members introduced the Prevent Tariff Abuse Act, legislation to stop the President of the United States from imposing import tariffs under the guise of a national emergency without Congressional approval. Donald Trump repeatedly promised on the campaign trail that he would impose sweeping…

DelBene, Schrier Lead Call for Flexibility in Hydrogen Project Development Rules

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Today, Congresswomen Suzan DelBene (WA-01) and Kim Schrier, M.D. (WA-08) led 12 House Members in calling for the Biden administration to provide flexibility around the implementation of the Clean Hydrogen Production Tax Credit (45V Credit) so federal regulations don’t hinder the development of our nascent hydrogen economy. The proposed rules, while well-intentioned, are overly…

DelBene, Clarke Introduce Bill to Expand Smart City Tech

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Today, Congresswomen Suzan DelBene (WA-01) and Yvette Clarke (NY-09) introduced the Smart Cities and Communities Act to expand smart city technologies and improve federal coordination of these programs.  Smart technologies are revolutionizing urban living by improving community safety, mobility, and resilience against natural disasters, while also expanding communication and…

DelBene on Bipartisan Funding Agreement to Avert Government Shutdown

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Today, Congresswoman Suzan DelBene (WA-01) issued the following statement after the House of Representatives passed a bipartisan funding agreement to avert a government shutdown:  “Americans want governance that works, and I joined House Democrats today to prevent a shutdown, once again demonstrating that bipartisan solutions are necessary to address the issues before…

Lies vs. Reality: Republicans Try to Rewrite History on the Child Tax Credit

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Today, Congresswoman Suzan DelBene (WA-01) responded to comments made by Senator J.D. Vance over the weekend trying to rewrite history on the Child Tax Credit. In a Sunday CBS Face the Nation interview, Senator J.D. Vance asserted that Republicans want to make improvements to the Child Tax Credit, which flies in the face of reality and their own voting record (if they showed up to…

DelBene Delivers $850,000 Federal Investment for New Arlington Small Business Innovation Center

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Today, Congresswoman Suzan DelBene (WA-01) presented the Northwest Innovation Resource Center (NWIRC) with a $850,000 ceremonial check to launch a new center in Arlington. DelBene secured the investment in the FY24 federal funding law. The new facility will provide entrepreneurs and small businesses with the resources and support needed to explore new technologies, develop innovative…

DelBene Delivers $960,000 for Bothell Woodcrest Utility Replacement Project

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Today, Congresswoman Suzan DelBene (WA-01) presented the City of Bothell with a $960,000 check to modernize failing water infrastructure in the Woodcrest neighborhood. DelBene secured the investment in the FY24 federal funding law. The Woodcrest neighborhood’s existing city-owned water, sewer, and stormwater systems are aging and in need of repair, which affects community…

DelBene Introduces Bipartisan Legislation to Drive American Leadership in Semiconductors

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Today, Congresswoman Suzan DelBene (WA-01) introduced the Semiconductor Technology Advancement and Research (STAR) Act, along with Representatives Blake Moore (UT-01), Doris Matsui (CA-07), Michael McCaul (TX-10), John Moolenaar (MI-02), Raja Krishnamoorthi (IL-08), Claudia Tenney (NY-24), Ro Khanna (CA-17), and Joe Morelle (NY-25). This bipartisan legislation would advance U.S.…