
Congress, its time to vote on email privacy

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In 1986 the Internet was just an experimental form of communication between a handful of academics, and yet more than 30 years later, Americans’ online email privacy laws remain stuck in the pre-internet era. At this moment, law enforcement can access American citizens’ emails without a warrant, even though the exact same messages in paper form would require a…

House panel approves bill to protect older email from government snooping

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A key House panel voted Wednesday to pass an email privacy bill that would stop the government from being able to read Americans' old emails without a warrant. The House Judiciary Committee voted 28-0 to approve the Email Privacy Act, a bipartisan bill that would replace a 1986 law that allows government investigators to peruse emails at will if the…

DelBene Lauds Long-Awaited Progress on Email Privacy Act

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Congresswoman Suzan DelBene (WA-01) today celebrated the long-awaited House Judiciary Committee passage of the Email Privacy Act (H.R. 699). This legislation would update the 1986 Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA), the main statute governing law enforcement access to digital records and content, such as email. The bill would require law enforcement to obtain a warrant to…

Email privacy supporters aren't limited to stand-alone legislation

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Supporters of email privacy legislation will not rely solely on stand-alone legislation to get their measure passed by year's end.  If the bill fails to get through both chambers during a tight election-year schedule, the sponsors will press to attach it as a rider to either spending or authorization bills.  Click here for the full story.

Get A Warrant Before Flying Spy Planes And Drones, Lawmakers Tell The Feds

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Even for politicians who knew that government law enforcement agencies were regularly watching American cities from above, the dense pattern of circles on the maps BuzzFeed News published last week, showing more than four months of flights by the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), were an eye-opener. Click here to read the full story.

House establishes encryption working group

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Two House committees on Monday revealed the creation of a joint encryption working group. The panel, composed of four Republicans and four Democrats, will examine potential solutions to the challenges law enforcement officials face as encryption becomes more widespread. While the technology is seen as vital to digital security and online privacy, investigators warn it is also helping…

DelBene, Crdenas Lead Push for Computer Science Funding

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Congresswoman Suzan DelBene (WA-01) today led more than 60 House members in calling for a $100 million investment in computer science education. The letter to House Appropriators, which was co-led by Congressman Tony Cárdenas (CA-29), aims to make computer science available to all students. “Unfortunately, too few students in the United States today are exposed to computer…

The Internet is the Highway of the 21st Century

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Dear Friend, In this Internet age, broadband plays a significant role in our ability to communicate, do business and educate our children. But too many communities, especially in remote or rural parts of the country, don’t have reliable access. I recently heard from tribal leaders in the First District who told me about their struggles to get resources to improve…

DelBene: Weakening Encryption is Irresponsible Approach

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Congresswoman Suzan DelBene (WA-01) today defended the use of encryption to protect Americans’ privacy ahead of a House Judiciary Committee hearing on the topic. “Our first priority must always be keeping Americans safe and I believe we can find a balance between preserving one’s right to privacy and protecting our national security,” DelBene said. “As a…

DelBene Calls for Commission to Weigh Privacy, Digital Security

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Congresswoman Suzan DelBene (WA-01) today helped introduce a bill to create a Digital Security Commission bringing stakeholders together to develop recommendations for maintaining privacy and digital security. “All sides – including lawmakers, industry leaders, privacy advocates, security experts and law enforcement – need to come together to ensure we’re doing…