Press Releases

DelBene: Washington is Prepared to Lead in Healthcare IoT

BOTHELL – Congresswoman Suzan DelBene (WA-01) today discussed the opportunities and challenges that exist within healthcare innovations such as the use of internet-connected devices — also known as the Internet of Things (IoT).

“Washington’s First District is uniquely situated to lead the nation in IoT healthcare, given the wealth of life sciences and technology expertise,” DelBene said. “But for the multi-billion dollar IoT economy to be successful, lawmakers need to be responsible stewards of policy, especially when it comes to issues as deeply personal as people’s medical care. We have an emerging set of challenges and opportunities to address for both innovators and consumers, and I look forward to bringing what I heard today back to the ‘other’ Washington to help educate my colleagues.”

DelBene was joined by local healthcare and technology leaders, including the University of Washington’s Interscatter Team, a group of researchers who have developed a way for implantable medical devices to communicate with smartphones and other internet-connected devices. And a local mother, whose child uses an IoT glucose monitor, told DelBene about the benefits of being able to monitor her son’s Type 1 Diabetes with her phone.

“Being able to see his blood sugar on my phone means greater safety, because I can see when blood sugar is going low and call,” said Kristin Fitzpatrick. “It also means a more normal life, because now he can go to after school programs or play dates where people aren't trained to deal with diabetes. With the phone, he and I can handle it between the two of us.”

The roundtable focused on how industry and policymakers can make smart choices regarding issues like patient privacy and data security, in order to foster a thriving industry and earn the trust of healthcare providers and patients.

DelBene is the co-chair of the Congressional IoT Caucus, which focuses on educating policymakers about IoT innovations to inform well-crafted public policy.
