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Suzan DelBene meets with LGBT vets, introduces bill to add LGBT reps to Advisory Committee on Minority Veterans

Suzan DelBene meets with LGBT vets, introduces bill to add LGBT reps to Advisory Committee on Minority Veterans

Rep. Suzan DelBene met with LGBT veterans on June 5 and announced that she will introduce legislation to add LGBT vets to the federal Advisory Committee on Minority Veterans.

The committee, established by Congress in 1994, advises the Veterans Administration secretary on the needs of minority veterans in the areas of compensation, health care, rehabilitation, outreach, and other VA benefits and services, and recommends program improvements to meet their specific needs.

Under current law, LGBT veterans are not included in the committee's membership or scope. DelBene's Voices for Veterans Act would mandate inclusion of LGBT veterans, ensuring the committee's assessments and recommendations reflect the needs of this growing population. It also extends the committee's authorization for two years.

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