Press Releases

DelBene Statement on Committee Passage of Innovation Act

Congresswoman Suzan DelBene (WA-01) today voted for a patent reform bill in the House Judiciary Committee. The Innovation Act passed out of the committee by a vote of 24 to 8.

After voting for the bill in the markup, DelBene issued the following statement:  

“America needs a robust patent system in order to foster innovation and entrepreneurship in today’s competitive global economy. All businesses in Washington state, large and small, should have the benefit of a patent system that doesn’t force them to waste vital resources on defending against abusive patent litigation.

“We must curtail the abusive patent litigation that costs our economy billions of dollars and many jobs. This is not the bill I would have written, but the Innovation Act takes steps toward creating a more transparent system that will help protect innovators and entrepreneurs throughout the patent ecosystem, which is why I voted for it in committee today but more work is needed before it comes to the House floor.

“I’m pleased that today’s bill includes an amendment I cosponsored to strengthen new rules on venue so abusive litigators cannot forum shop for courts that consistently rule in their favor. I’m also grateful for my colleagues’ support in an effort I led with Congressman Collins to block a misguided extension of the controversial Transitional Program for Covered Business Method Patents. Not set to expire until 2020 and producing highly questionable results beyond the scope Congress originally intended, the CBM extension had no place in today’s effort to curb patent litigation abuses.

“I will continue working with my colleagues to improve this bill in a bipartisan manner as we move forward.”
