Press Releases

DelBene Works to Expand Washington Dairy Exports

Congresswoman Suzan DelBene (WA-01) today led a bipartisan group of twenty Members in urging Canada to finally commit to open its markets to more dairy imports as talks over the trade agreement draw to a close. They sent a letter to the Canadian Ambassador to the United States outlining their position following a productive meeting with the U.S. Trade Representative on Monday.  

“Washington state produces some of the world’s best dairy products,” Representative Suzan DelBene (WA-01) said. “It is critically important that our producers have fair market access to Canadian consumers so they can compete on a level playing field.”

“Throughout the last months I have made it clear that I believe any trade deal must open new markets to Wisconsin dairy exporters and level the playing field for our farmers to compete,” Representative Ron Kind (WI-03) said. “One of those new markets is Canada, but in order for the U.S. to reach an agreement with them they must be willing to commit to meaningful reforms to open market access. I will continue to push our negotiators to get the best deal possible for Wisconsin dairy farmers.” 

“The Trans-Pacific Partnership deal should be a victory for Wisconsin and all American dairy—we make the best products in the world, and the ability to sell our milk, cheese, and butter around the world is crucial for our producers,” Representative Ribble (WI-08) said. “Canada stands to benefit greatly from the TPP agreement, and their more open agricultural markets are part of the price for entry.  Winning access to the Canadian market is crucial to our ability to win a balanced outcome for dairy.”

“It is of utmost importance that our trade deals emphasize agricultural goods,” said Representative David Valadao (CA-21). “Representing the largest dairy district in the country, I would support a robust trade deal that opens markets and trade opportunities for my dairy farmers.

In a letter to Canada’s U.S. ambassador, Gary Doer, the House members noted that dairy market access is among the final issues to be resolved in the negotiations over the Trans-Pacific Partnership. “It is our understanding that Canada has long been unwilling to seriously engage in market access discussions regarding dairy, despite its commitment upon joining TPP to adhere to its high standards,” the House members wrote. “It is critical that Canada finally commit to finishing the work left undone in our prior agreements and commit to significant and commercially meaningful market access for all remaining agricultural products. The final market access package with Canada on dairy in TPP will have a significant impact on how Congress views the final agreement if Canada remains a member.”  

Creating meaningful export opportunities into the Canadian market is an issue leftover from NAFTA and one of the three critical dairy market access issues remaining in TPP. Market access discussions with Japan on core dairy commodities also remain outstanding and need to be addressed. Finally, the ultimate agreement must result in a truly balanced dairy outcome that results in real net trade benefits for U.S. dairy exports into Japan & Canada in comparison with new dairy access into the U.S. for New Zealand. 
