Press Releases

DelBene Announces Federal Funds to Boost Local Farm-to-School Programs

Washington Sustainable Food & Farming Network to receive an $88,444 federal grant to help schools purchase more Washington grown food

Congresswoman Suzan DelBene (WA-01) announced that the Washington Sustainable Food & Farming Network has been awarded $88,444 by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to support its efforts to connect school cafeterias with local farmers and growers. The grant is part of USDA’s Farm to School Program.

“As schools do more to provide healthy, nutritious food for students, we should do everything possible to help them take advantage of the amazing fresh fruits and vegetables grown by our local farmers,” said DelBene. “The funds announced today will support successful programs that help connect local farmers with school districts eager to serve our students fresh, healthy, locally grown food.”

The federal grant will help to expand and boost Washington Sustainable Food & Farming Network’s farm to school program. The project will provide educational tools, professional development, networking opportunities, field trips, and technical training to enhance existing farm to school programs. Regional farm to school networks in Northwest and Central Washington will be developed to support new partnerships between local farmers and ranchers, food hubs and schools, resulting in more Washington grown food being served in school cafeterias.

“We are thrilled to receive support from USDA,” says WSFFN Executive Director Ellen Gray. “Strengthening the purchasing relationships between local farmers and ranchers and schools helps our hardworking farmers, our kids and our economy.”

USDA's Farm to School Grants help schools across the country acquire locally grown foods, while increasing market opportunities for farmers and ranchers.

More information about the USDA grant can be found HERE.

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