Press Releases

FEMA Issues Grants for SR 530 Landslide Recovery

Congresswoman Suzan DelBene (WA-01), Congressman Rick Larsen (WA-02) and Senators Patty Murray and Maria Cantwell (WA) today applauded the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) announcement of an additional $7.6 million in grants for recovery efforts, including removal of debris deposited in the wake of flooding and mudslides that occurred in March and April last year.

“Today’s announcement demonstrates the commitment toward a full recovery for the communities affected by the State Route 530 landslide. More than one year after the tragedy, I’m encouraged that Oso, Darrington, Arlington, the Stillaguamish Tribe and the Sauk-Suiattle Tribe continue to receive the resources they need,” DelBene said. “I will continue to push for resources to help the region recover and for research into how we can prevent and mitigate tragedies from future disasters.”

“The communities affected by the State Route 530 slide more than a year ago continue to show admirable strength and resilience as they heal and recover. These funds from FEMA underscore the federal government’s ongoing commitment to helping these communities rebuild,” Larsen said.

“The communities and families affected by the mudslide still need our support and I’m so grateful to see FEMA’s continued commitment to our region,” said Murray. “I will keep working to make sure the federal government remains committed to help our communities recover from this tragedy and mitigate the impact of any future incident.”

“I’m pleased that FEMA continues to work closely with WSDOT and the Oso community to provide federal resources to offset the enormous costs that were incurred during the immediate response and cleanup of debris that severely damaged the area and SR530.  I will continue to closely monitor progress and work to ensure federal funding flows to support the community’s ongoing recovery efforts,” Cantwell said.

Contractor crews removed and processed 200,000 cubic yards of mainly earthen or vegetative material, and used much of that material to fill holes and trenches at the site. Approximately 85 percent of the cost of this work will be compensated by the FEMA grants.
