Press Releases

DelBene Statement on the Release of Documents Revealing NSA Compliance Violations in Phone Records Surveillance Program

Congresswoman Suzan DelBene issued the following statement following the declassification and release of more than 1800 pages of previously secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court opinions and other documents on the government’s bulk collection of Americans’ phone records:

“The latest disclosures are further evidence that our existing policies and laws are not adequately protecting the civil liberties of Americans. I am stunned by the explanation that the government made ‘unintentional misrepresentations’ to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court in 2009 because of a lack of technical understanding within the NSA about how these surveillance programs worked.

“As I have previously stated, I strongly oppose the bulk collection of Americans’ phone records, and I believe we need meaningful reforms to ensure these surveillance programs have vigorous oversight, transparency and accountability. With each new disclosure, it’s painfully clear that the NSA’s motto of ‘just trust us’ is not good enough.

“Today, the House Judiciary Committee approved a motion to hold a classified session to allow administration officials to discuss FISA surveillance activities with the committee. As a member of the Judiciary Committee, I am eager to hear more from administration officials about the significant problems that have been revealed about these programs so we can move forward with appropriate policy to rein them in.” 

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