Press Releases

DelBene Statement on House Republicans’ Actions to Move Country Closer to a Government Shutdown

Congresswoman Suzan DelBene issued the following statement today following House Republicans’ vote on a continuing resolution that includes a delay of the Affordable Care Act and repeals a medical device tax – provisions that increase the likelihood of a looming government shutdown:

“I’m incredibly disappointed by the refusal of House leadership to back away from their extreme, uncompromising demands under the threat of a government shutdown – demands that are completely unrelated to our budget. Policy-making through brinksmanship is the absolute wrong way to legislate.

“The American public deserves a real budget conversation. I want a serious debate on our fiscal issues so we can develop a bipartisan, long-term budget plan that will create jobs and grow our economy. The amendments put on the floor today represent ideological, political posturing that will result in a disastrous and costly government shutdown.

“I could not support today’s misguided effort to politicize the repeal of the medical device tax. I am a strong supporter of repealing this tax and am an original co-sponsor of legislation to ease this unnecessary burden on the medical device industry. The bill I cosponsored has over 260 cosponsors and deserves an up or down vote. It should not be used as a political football that will ultimately lead to a government shutdown.”