Press Releases

DelBene Statement on News of Multiple Privacy Violations Committed by NSA

Congresswoman Suzan DelBene issued the following statement today following news reports that the National Security Agency repeatedly violated privacy rules according to an internal audit and other documents:

“Over the last few months, intelligence officials have repeatedly claimed that they have internal safeguards to ensure that government surveillance programs do not violate the civil liberties of Americans. The recent news reports of significant violations by the NSA of their own internal rules that were designed to protect the privacy of Americans provide another indication that Congress must act. 

“The self-policing of the NSA by the NSA is inadequate. The disclosure of this new information again highlights a glaring lack of transparency regarding our government’s secret surveillance programs.

“We must have intelligence programs that are accountable and transparent to Congress and the public to ensure they are not violating the constitutional rights of Americans. The public is eager for a national conversation on how to strike the right balance between privacy and national security. I’m glad that the President has said publicly that he believes a debate is necessary. However, for this conversation to be meaningful, Congress and the public must be provided with information to understand how the government is using its surveillance authorities.

“I am eager to work with my colleagues on the House Judiciary Committee as we continue to conduct rigorous oversight and thoroughly examine reforms that strike the right balance between national security and civil liberties. This is why I have supported and cosponsored several pieces of legislation to rein in these secret programs to ensure that we are conducting surveillance on suspected terrorists, not innocent Americans. 

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