Press Releases

Members of WA Congressional Delegation Applaud Major Investment in State’s Military and Defense Industry

$4.3M DoD grant, in conjunction with $500K state and local dollars, would support defense business adjustments over the next two years

Today, U.S. Senators Patty Murray and Maria Cantwell and U.S. Representatives Adam Smith, Rick Larsen, Suzan DelBene, Derek Kilmer and Dennis Heck applauded an announcement by Washington Governor Jay Inslee that the state has been awarded $4.3M  in Department of Defense (DoD) Office of Economic Adjustment (OEA) Defense Industry Adjustment program funding to focus on the military and defense industry supply chain and the companies in the state that support the defense industry. The funding will be matched by over $500K in state and local dollars through the newly formed Washington Military Alliance. The plan, entitled, “Washington State Military and Defense Sector Industry Adjustment Analysis and Strategy” will allow the state an opportunity to develop a strategic mitigation plan to reduce the exposure of regional businesses to uncertainty in military and defense spending.

“Washington state has a long and rich history of supporting our local businesses and military communities through thick and thin, and this federal investment will help our state maintain that commitment in the years ahead,” said Senator Murray.

“Washington state’s defense industry is an economic backbone for many of our communities,” said Senator Cantwell. “This grant from the Department of Defense will help support these jobs and the businesses that have played a leading role in providing innovative equipment and technology to keep our military strong.”

“The Department of Defense and Washington State’s defense industry contributes greatly to our local economy and small business throughout the region,” said Congressman Smith. “This investment from the federal government will strengthen our state’s defense industry and support jobs and the economy now and in the future.”

“Washington state’s defense industry helps keep our country secure and strengthens the local economy,” said Congressman Larsen. “This investment from the Department of Defense underscores the importance of our state’s innovation and leadership in military and defense technology.”

“This grant is an important investment in the long-term prosperity of Washington businesses that support the defense industry,” said Congresswoman DelBene.  “By helping these companies develop strategies to continue to compete and thrive in a 21st century economy, we’ll be able to sustain and grow good-paying jobs in our region for generations to come.”

“In our region we take pride in the local businesses that support our key military installations and servicemembers,” said Congressman Kilmer. “This new investment from the Department of Defense recognizes that our state plays an important role in supporting our nation’s military. It’s great news for people working every day to ensure we maintain the best equipped force in the world.”

“Our region is fortunate to include many pioneering companies and organizations providing state-of-the-art resources to the military,” said Congressman Heck. “To sustain these inventors and entrepreneurs – many of whom are veterans – we need to be adequately prepared for anticipated needs down the road. These jobs are important for both our communities and production supporting our nation’s national security.”