Press Releases

DelBene Statement on Syria Amendment

Today, Congresswoman Suzan DelBene released the following statement on her vote in favor of the McKeon amendment authorizing the Pentagon, in coordination with the State Department, to train and equip appropriately vetted Syrian rebels and associated groups to defend the Syrian people from attacks by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL).

“It’s clear that ISIL poses a growing threat to American interests and allies in the region, one that will require a comprehensive strategy led by a broad coalition of international forces to defeat.  Moving forward with plans to address this complicated and evolving situation will require the Administration to continue working with Congress in a bipartisan way.

“Today’s vote allows the Administration to move forward solely on training and equipping Syrian rebels, and this authority will expire on December 11. It allows for a limited, targeted operation that does not involve the use of American ground troops. And it will set up a long-overdue debate in Congress about the use of military force to deal with this growing threat. I have previously voted to sunset the 2001 Authorization for Use of Military Force because we cannot continue to operate based on decisions that were made in 2001.  It is critical that we have a debate on the use of military force in the context of the challenges we face today.

“In the coming months, Congress must continue to be briefed by military, diplomatic, and national security officials. I will press for a comprehensive strategy that involves international cooperation to prevent terrorism and stabilize the Middle East.”