
National Small Business Week

Dear Friend,

This week is National Small Business Week, celebrating the small businesses that make up the backbone of our economy. Here in Washington state, there are more than 550,000 small businesses, employing nearly 1.3 million workers.

As a former businesswoman and entrepreneur, I know firsthand that when small businesses and startups get the tools and opportunity to succeed, America’s economy is stronger. Across the country, we are making progress but we know that many women-owned businesses still do not have equal access to economic opportunity. Women entrepreneurs account for just $1 out of every $23 in small business lending, despite representing 30 percent of all small companies.

That’s why I introduced the Women’s Small Business Ownership Act (H.R. 4027). This bill would advance access to lending, increase training and counseling services for female entrepreneurs and give women-owned businesses the same access to federal contracts as other disadvantaged populations. By focusing on efforts that help our small businesses succeed, we’ll be able to create and grow more good-paying jobs for years to come

As always, my office is here to serve you. If you have questions or comments about the topics that matter most to you, I encourage you to contact me through my website. You may also keep up-to-date on what I’m doing by following me on social media. If you need assistance dealing with a federal agency, such as the IRS or the VA, please do not hesitate to contact my Bothell office at (425) 485-0085.

