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Gig Worker Benefits Bill Gains Republican Supporter

Gig Worker Benefits Bill Gains Republican Supporter

A Democratic bill intended to spur experimentation with health insurance and other portable benefits for gig economy workers has gained the support of a Republican senator, sparking optimism that other GOP lawmakers could follow.

Sen. Todd Young (R-Ind.) signed on as the only co-sponsor for the Portable Benefits for Independent Workers Pilot Program Act ( S. 1251, H.R. 2685). The bill was introduced May 25 by Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.), a longtime advocate of benefits for gig workers, such as those with Uber and Postmates.

Congress needs to “embrace the emerging gig economy as a way to generate upward mobility for Americans,” Young told Bloomberg BNA July 31.

As more and more Americans participate in this type of work, “we ought to anticipate new challenges and work toward addressing them,” Young said. “This bill starts that conversation and launches a pilot program that just might lead to a solution that benefits millions of Americans over time.”

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