Press Releases

DelBene Introduces Legislation to Aid American Workers Harmed by Trump Administration’s Trade War

Today, Congresswoman Suzan DelBene introduced legislation that would offer assistance to American workers who may lose their jobs because of the tariffs on American goods put in place by some of our largest trading partners in reaction to President Trump’s tariff blitz. Her bill is cosponsored by Rep. Ron Kind (D-WI), Rep. Terri Sewell (D-AL) and Rep. Mike Thompson (D-CA).

Currently, Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) provides federal assistance to workers who have been displaced due to import competition and offshoring. Such assistance includes job training, health coverage tax credits, and income support for people who have exhausted their unemployment compensation and are enrolled in job training. DelBene’s legislation would expand TAA to cover workers who lose their jobs when U.S. exports drop due to increased tariffs imposed by foreign nations. 

“We are already seeing the human impact of President Trump’s costly trade war as even allies like Canada and the European Union strike back by leveling tariffs on U.S. businesses, leaving American workers, whose jobs depend on open markets, to suffer the consequences. With President Trump pummeling our nation’s middle class, it’s our responsibility to ensure American workers have the tools to get back on their feet,” said DelBene.

She added, “Nobody wins in a trade war, and the biggest casualties are hardworking Americans. While the President plays games with our economy, we will continue to fight for good jobs and good wages.”

“Rep. DelBene’s bill is an important effort to help workers whose jobs have been lost as an indirect result of President Trump’s trade policies.  We need to take tough, smart action to counter unfair trade practices, but foreign retaliation against President Trump’s policies is hurting American exporters and their workers.  It is critical that Congress step up and provide assistance to workers who are at risk of losing their jobs as a result of this retaliation.  I thank Rep. DelBene for her leadership when it comes to helping American workers who have been hurt by the President’s economic policies, so they and their families can make it in America,” said Rep. Steny Hoyer, Democratic Whip.

Earlier this month, China retaliated against the U.S. with $34 billion in tariffs on American goods after the Trump Administration imposed $34 billion in tariffs on Chinese goods. Subsequently, the Trump Administration unveiled a list of an additional $200 billion worth of tariffs on Chinese goods – though these tariffs will undergo a two-month review process before they go into effect. 

Separately, in March, the U.S. put tariffs of 25 percent on steel imports and 10 percent on aluminum imports from around the world. Canada, Mexico, the European Union, and other key trading partners have retaliated with billions in tariffs on U.S. goods and services.  

Finally, the Trump Administration is also considering placing tariffs on roughly $360 billion of automobiles and auto parts that were imported from foreign countries.  

DelBene is Vice-Chair of the New Democrat Coalition and serves on the House Ways and Means Committee.