
Supporting Local Startups

Dear Friend,

I recently participated in Startup Week to celebrate the innovation and creativity that drives many Washington state startups. I toured several startups in our region to highlight their impact on our local and national economy.

Washington is home to some of the most innovative entrepreneurs in the country, and we need to keep doing everything possible to foster a healthy startup ecosystem. Our country’s economy depends on good startups. Not only do they lead the way in innovation, but they are crucial job creators that support countless families. It was important to get feedback from these growing companies on what Congress can do to create an environment that affords them the opportunity to be successful.

I will continue to work with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to ensure Congress pursues policies that offer entrepreneurs the resources to grow and thrive.

As always, my office is here to serve you. If you have questions or comments about the topics that matter most to you, I encourage you to contact me through my website. You may also keep up-to-date on what I’m doing by following me on social media or signing up for my eNewsletter. If you need assistance dealing with a federal agency, such as the VA, IRS or Department of Education, please do not hesitate to contact my Bothell office at (425) 485-0085.

