Press Releases

DelBene Cosponsors Police Reform Package Led by Congressional Black Caucus

Congresswoman Suzan DelBene (WA-01) released the following statement after the introduction of the Justice in Policing Act, which will eliminate qualified immunity, call for independent investigations into police brutality, and make lynching a federal crime, among other changes. The bill was developed by the Congressional Black Caucus in light of the murders of George Floyd and other Black Americans at the hands of the police.

“For too long, Black Americans have endured systemic racism and discrimination, especially from many in law enforcement. Accountability is long overdue for police officials who have abused their power and positions of authority. The deaths of George Floyd and other victims of police brutality have started a movement that has mobilized our nation. It is past time for Congress to make meaningful change to this broken system. I am proud to join the Congressional Black Caucus in supporting this critical piece of legislation that will hold police accountable to the communities they serve, ban chokeholds, and transform the culture of policing in the United States.”

Congresswoman DelBene is an original cosponsor of the Justice in Police Act. The full text of the legislation is available here. A section-by-section summary is available here. A fact sheet on the bill is available here.