Press Releases

New Democrat Coalition Chair Statement on Biden-Harris Administration’s Emergency Relief Package

New Democrat Coalition Chair Suzan DelBene (WA-01) issued the following statement on the incoming Biden-Harris Administration’s legislative package to fund vaccinations and provide immediate, direct economic relief to working families and communities bearing the brunt of the COVID-19 crisis:

“New Dems welcome the release of President-elect Biden’s legislative package and look forward to achieving our shared priorities with the incoming administration. Americans need additional aid and stimulus as our nation continues to combat the COVID-19 pandemic and ensuing economic crisis. New Dems will work together with the incoming administration to end the pandemic and reopen schools and our economy safely; protect workers, families, and local businesses; help the hardest hit, especially communities of color; and grow a robust and fair economy.

“We are pleased that many New Dem-led priorities, including my bill to significantly expand the child tax credit for low- and middle-income families, automatic stabilizers to trigger continued unemployment insurance and nutrition assistance, and investment in coordinated national vaccine manufacturing and deployment, were included in the package. New Dems stand ready to partner with the Biden-Harris Administration to end the pandemic and rebuild robust economic growth that works for every American.”