Press Releases

House Advances Critical American Innovation and Competition Bill

Today, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the America COMPETES Act (H.R. 4521) with the support of Congresswoman Suzan DelBene (WA-01). This bold legislation will strengthen U.S. domestic manufacturing and supply chains, accelerate research and innovation, invest in American workers, and prepare our country to compete in the 21st century. DelBene secured a number of provisions in this legislative package that would:

  • Support Washington’s economy by ensuring that aircraft, which prior to COVID-19 accounted for nearly half of the state’s exports annually in value, can continue to be sold to partners around the world. 
  • Add immersive technologies as a key research and investment priority. Immersive technologies include virtual reality, augmented reality, and mixed reality, which will serve as a tool and catalyst for advanced development of other critical technology fields such as health care, manufacturing, and education.
  • Instruct the federal government to study how semiconductor production can better meet the needs of critical industries, like trucking, medical devices, information technology, and more, that are key to Washington state’s economic future

The America COMPETES Act also includes $52 billion to bolster our American semiconductor manufacturing industry and help address current supply chain issues.

“This is truly a golden opportunity for Congress to act on issues that are currently plaguing our country and communities, while also investing in American competitiveness for years to come,” said DelBene. “By fortifying our supply chains for critical goods like chips, investing in our workforce, and spurring American innovation and manufacturing, the America COMPETES Act will help the U.S. remain a leader on the global stage. As we look to reconcile differences between the Senate and House versions of this bill, I will work to ensure the final agreement reduces barriers to trade, levels the playing field for American workers, and advances the Biden administration’s efforts to forge rules for the digital economy.”

The America COMPETES Act will now be reconciled with the United States Innovation and Competition Act (S.1260) that passed the Senate last year.

A summary of the America COMPETES Act can be found here.