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Dear Friend, Today, too many Americans are sent to prison to serve lengthy sentences when there are better ways to help get a person’s life back on track. Across the country, there are cases where individuals are locked away for decades because of minor drug charges and other non-violent crimes. Not only is this a failure on the part of our criminal justice system; it is a terrible waste of taxpayer dollars.


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Tags: Health

Dear Friend, All across the country, Americans are suffering from heartbreaking conditions that still don’t have an effective treatment or cure.


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Dear Friend, Even with the passage of Initiative 502, marijuana possession or use for any purpose is still prohibited under the federal Controlled Substances Act (CSA), leaving participants in state markets like ours at risk of arrest by federal authorities.


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Dear Friend, Earlier this week, I spoke on the House floor to celebrate National Farm to School Month which aims to promote locally grown foods in our schools and educate kids about the benefits of choosing healthy foods and living a healthy lifestyle. I’m working to ensure nutritious, local food is available for our students, which we know is proven to help them pay…


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Dear Friend, Strong economic growth can only be achieved when all Americans have the opportunity to succeed. Unfortunately, there are still too many barriers facing middle-class Americans. That’s why today, on the Working Families Day of Action, we must recommit to building an economy that works for everyone.


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Dear Friend, Last week was an eventful one in Washington’s First Congressional District. We had both Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack and Interior Secretary Sally Jewell visit us. On Tuesday, Secretary Vilsack joined me for a community conversation with local farmers, foresters and ranchers at Washington State University’s (WSU) Mount Vernon…


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Dear Friend, Assisting my constituents is one of the best parts of my job as the U.S. Representative for Washington’s First Congressional District. Just this year, my office has helped secure more than $500,000 in payments of benefits owed to my constituents. So whether you are just entering college, own a business, or returning home from military service, my office is…


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Dear Friend, As you may have heard, Sept. 30 is the deadline for Congress to finish a budget for the 2016 Fiscal Year. With only two days left until a government shutdown, unfortunately, the Republican majority is allowing their most extreme, uncompromising members to dictate the budget debate.


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Dear Friend, Last month at the Mount Vernon Farmer’s Market, I spoke about the importance of helping to ensure families have access to local, healthy foods. Unfortunately, House leaders continue to insinuate that our nation’s nutrition programs are too generous and discourage people from working – a perpetual stereotype that couldn’t be further from the truth.