
In Budget, DelBene Fights Bill that Rips Healthcare from Millions, Hikes Costs

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Congresswoman Suzan DelBene (WA-01) today opposed the Republican health bill that strips healthcare from 24 million Americans and forces working families to shoulder thousands of dollars more in out-of-pocket costs each year. “This destructive proposal does nothing for middle-class families but threaten their lives and their financial security. We should build upon the reforms…

CBO: Obamacare repeal will increase uninsured by 24 million by 2026

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Tags: Health

A Republican bill to replace Obamacare would lead to 14 million fewer Americans with health insurance by 2018 and 24 million by 2026, the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office said Monday in an analysis that could make the controversial legislation even tougher for GOP leaders to push through Congress. Most of the initial increase in uninsured people in 2018 would come from consumers…

Medical association: GOP health plan puts Medicaid in peril

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Tags: Health

Republicans' plan to replace Obamacare, on a fast track through Congress, puts at risk our state's Medicaid program and reduces access to coverage for "our most vulnerable citizens," the president of the Washington State Medical Association said Thursday. The warning, from Dr. Shane Macaulay, supports an analysis delivered Thursday by Gov. Jay Inslee.   Under the…

Rep. DelBene continues push to extend U.S. Digital Service as its future remains uncertain

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Tags: Health

Faced with sky-high private sector wages and turbulent-to-tanking morale, the U.S. government at all levels faces a worsening shortage of capable technologists, in part because of an exodus of top talent in key cybersecurity positions within the intelligence community. Getting highly sought-after people to come work for the government longterm is one question, but…

Republican Health Plan Would Delay, Not Repeal, Cadillac Tax

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Tags: Health

For more than seven years, Republicans have complained about the so-called Cadillac tax on the most expensive job-based health-insurance plans. But their health-care legislation—which abolishes the rest of the 2010 health law’s major tax increases—doesn’t repeal the tax. Instead, they propose to postpone the tax’s start date from 2020 to 2025, a concession…

DelBene Statement on CBO Score of GOP Healthcare Repeal

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Congresswoman Suzan DelBene (WA-01) today released the following statement after the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) scored Republican’s healthcare repeal bill: “While some may use ‘alternative facts,’ my constituents and I live in reality. And there is no denying that the CBO score confirms this is a dangerous and irresponsible bill that threatens to…

Editorial: Thumbs down on House GOPs Obamacare replacement

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Tags: Health

Movie producers, when they expect poor reviews, often won’t screen a movie for film critics before it’s released, pinning their hopes on advertising and hype to sell tickets. Something similar must have been behind House Republicans’ release of their plan to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act. President Trump is offering up hype via Twitter: “healthcare…

GOP health-care plan moves forward; Reps. Reichert, DelBene vote with their parties

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Tags: Health

Seattle-area Reps. Dave Reichert and Suzan DelBene stuck with their respective parties in Thursday’s predawn hours, as a Republican-backed bill to abolish large portions of former President Obama’s health-care law moved forward. Reichert voted with his fellow Republicans to advance the bill through the House Ways and Means Committee, while DelBene sided with every Democrat in…

Seattle-area Reps. Reichert, DelBene on panel hearing GOP health-care bill

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Tags: Health

Less than two days after they unveiled their bill to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, House Republicans are taking the first legislative steps toward enacting that legislation. The House Ways and Means Committee is holding a hearing — known as a markup — on the Republican bill, the American Health Care Act. Two Seattle-area members of Congress — Republican…

Report highlights local impact of healthcare repeal

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Tags: Health

A report released by Democratic congresswoman Suzan DelBene on March 3 reveals that 421,100 individuals in congressional district 1 are on track to lose preventative health insurance coverage if the Affordable Care Act (ACA), also known as Obamacare, is repealed. The report was released just days before the U.S. House of Representatives rolled out a plan to repeal the ACA on March 6. In…