
DelBene to FTC: Hidden Hotel & Resort Fees Are Unfair to Travelers

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Today, Congresswoman Suzan DelBene (WA-01) sent a letter calling on Federal Trade Commission Chairwoman Edith Ramirez to stop hotels from masking the true price of a room and include any mandatory fees to be listed as part of the hotel room rate. “During this holiday season, Americans across the country are booking travel to visit family and friends, or…

DelBene and Brooks Encourage Support of Computer Science Education Week to Prepare Students for Next Generation Careers

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Congresswoman Suzan DelBene (D-WA1) and Congresswoman Susan W. Brooks (R-IN5) today introduced a resolution, H. Res. 554, supporting the goals and ideals of Computer Science Education Week. Computer Science Week is celebrated December 7-13, 2015. “As someone who had a long career in the technology sector before coming to Congress, I know firsthand how…

DelBene Calls for Update to Email Privacy Law

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During a House Judiciary Committee hearing today, Congresswoman Suzan DelBene (WA-01) spoke in support of the Email Privacy Act, a bill to protect consumers’ privacy from unwarranted electronic data collection by the federal government. “Advances in technology and the Internet have dramatically changed the way we communicate, live and work. In this…

Congresswoman Suzan DelBene speaks on aerial surveillance at Evans School of Public Policy & Governance

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Congresswoman Suzan DelBene joined a panel of experts on privacy policy at the UW’s Evans School of Public Policy & Governance on Monday morning to discuss the need for regulation of mass aerial surveillance. Last February, DelBene and fellow lawmakers introduced a bipartisan bill to reform outdated privacy legislation, which provided a starting point for the panel’s discussion.

Op-ed: Whos watching the eye in the sky?

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Earlier this year, news reports revealed that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has been conducting aerial surveillance missions over many U.S. cities. The reports suggested that some of the aircraft were equipped with devices, such as StingRays and high resolution cameras, which can capture massive amounts of data including images, emails, texts, calls and geolocation. While…

DelBene Invites #WA01 High School Students to Compete in Congressional App Challenge

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BOTHELL – Congresswoman Suzan DelBene (WA-01) is reminding Washington’s First District high school students that her office is now accepting submissions for the Second Annual Congressional App Challenge. The deadline for submissions is Jan. 15, 2016. “As someone who worked in the technology sector before coming to Congress, I know firsthand that innovation requires…